The consular will soon visit the location."
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Consulate General in Houston, the United States, has communicated with the local authority to repatriate the body of Panji Hilmansyah, the eldest son of Indonesian Minister for Maritime and Fishery Susi Pudjiastuti.

"The staff of the consulate head has been sent to the location to assist with the repatriation process. The consular will soon visit the location," the Indonesian Citizens Protection Director of Foreign Affairs Ministry Muhamad Iqbal noted in a short message received by ANTARA News here on Monday.

Panji (31) died in Florida, the United States.

Iqbal remarked that the Foreign Affairs Ministry will assist and manage the repatriation process until the body arrives in Indonesia.

Until now, the cause of Panjis death has not yet been identified.

Panji is the son of Minister Susi and her former husband, Yoyok Yudi Suharyo.

According to the ministers private secretary Fika Fawzia, Panji was the oldest brother of Nadine Kaiser and Alvy Xavier.

He graduated from a flight school in the United States and worked as a pilot.

According to Panjis LinkedIn social media account, he also officiated as chief inspector in Susi Air, an airlines was established in late 2004 founded by Pudjiastuti.

(Reported by Yashinta Difa/Uu.B019/INE/KR-BSR/O001)

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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