Padang, West Sumatra (ANTARA News) - The district court in Padang, West Sumatra, sentenced Ade Saputra (26) to death on Thursday for having raped and killed a female student.

"The defendant was proven guilty and violating Articles 340, 286 and 362 of the Criminal Code respectively on murder, rape and theft," chief judge Agus Cholif said reading the verdict.

The sentence met the demand of the prosecutor.

The session grew tense when the judges started reading the sentencing with relatives of the victim shouting calls for a death sentence for the defendant.

"Sentence him to death, sentence him to death," they said.

After the verdict was read the uncle of the victim, Syafrudin, expressed appreciation to the judges and prosecutors that had given justice in the case.

Ucok as the defendant was called meanwhile said he would think of whether to appeal the verdict or not after hearing the verdict.

In the earlier session Ucok had asked for a lighter sentence but did not express remorse nor ask for an apology from the victim`s family.

As many as 275 police in full gear guarded the court from the entrance gate to the court room and all attendants were checked thoroughly and by a metal detector before entering the court following reports that the victim`s family would mobilize more people to come to the court to hear the verdict, Padang city police operations chief, Commissioner Ari Yuswan said.

Siska, a student of the PGRI Gunung Pangilun Teacher`s Training Institute, was dumped in a ditch in Pincuran Tujuh in Kulumbuk neighborhood in the subdistrict of Kuranji on March 11, 2011 after she was killed. Her body was discovered by local villagers.

The defendant said in the court session he killed her after she refused to have sex with him.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
Copyright © ANTARA 2011