"The possibility is they were drowned by the flash flood."
Palu (ANTARA News) - Sigi Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has not found yet two bodies of a flash flood`s victims in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province on Monday.

"The rescue team and several security officers as well as civilians still continue searching for the victims who originate from Manggalapi Hamlet on Monday," said Chief of Sigi BPBD Resmin Rasse here on Thursday.

According to Resmin, the victims who were dragged by flood waters into a nearby river is a pregnant woman named Eti and an 18 year-old boy Eko of Manggalapi, Palolo Sub-district.

Resmin said that residence of the victims located near the river and their houses were also dragged by the strong river current.

"The possibility is they were drowned by the flash flood," he said.

The security officers and civilians have tried to search the bodies of both victims but they have not find them yet.

"We will try to search the bodies until they are found," said Resmin.

The Manggalapi Hamlet is bordered with Salumbanga Hamlet that belongs to Parigi Moutung District.

Besides, the Manggalapi Hamlet is located at 40 kilometers from Lembantongoa Village and civilians should take motorcycle or walk to reach the area.

"The Manggalapi Hamlet is still a remote area," Resmin said.

The flash flood waters also damaged and inundated tens of hectares of agricultural areas, including paddy fields and cacao as well as coffee plantations.

The BPBD said Sigi regional administration has distributed assistance and aid to the victims, including staple foods, clothes as well as blankets. ***4***


(UU.B019/B/B019/A014) 04-04-2013 16:08:48

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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