
Kumpulan berita protest, ditemukan 60 berita.

Belanda gelar peringatan anak-anak Palestina korban perang Gaza

Sebuah acara peringatan digelar pada Minggu di Belanda untuk anak-anak Palestina yang tewas dalam serangan Israel di ...


Aksi kerabat terpidana Mary Jane Veloso saat kunjungan Presiden Jokowi di Filipina

Relatives and supporters of Mary Jane Veloso, a Filipina on death row after being convicted in Indonesia for drug ...


Protes atas serangan udara Israel ke RS Gaza

Lebanese people gather in front of the United States Embassy to stage a protest against Israeli airstrike on Gaza's ...


Protes kenaikan pajak di Nairobi ricuh

A protester hurls a stone in Kibera slum during an anti-government protest against the imposition of tax hikes by the ...

Rencana pembuangan limbah nuklir Fukushima ke laut diprotes Korsel

Sekelompok anggota parlemen oposisi Korea Selatan (Korsel) pada Senin (10/7) berangkat ke Jepang untuk memprotes ...


Aksi protes suku adat Brazil tutup jalan raya

A member of Guarani Mbya Indigenous people uses a bow and arrow during a protest against the so-called legal thesis of ...


Peringatan Jerusalem Day

Palestinians take part in a protest against the holding of the annual flag march in Jerusalem which marks Jerusalem ...


Kerusuhan memprotes penangkapan mantan PM Pakistan Imran Khan

A traffic police officer walks amid the debris of a damaged check post, which was set afire by supporters of ...


Kenya kembali memanas oleh aksi oposan

A transit truck burns after it was attacked by unknown people during protests by supporters of Kenya's opposition ...


Pengunjuk rasa mengelem dirinya di jalan kota Berlin

Polisi berupaya melepaskan tangan pengunjuk rasa yang dilekatkan dengan lem di jalan untuk memblokade lalu lintas dalam ...


Aktivis perubahan iklim warnai kolam air mancur di Wina

A person looks at the Hochstrahlbrunnen fountain after climate activists coloured the water green to protest against ...

Ribuan warga Israel protes rencana reformasi hukum PM Netanyahu

Ribuan orang turun ke jalan di kota-kota Israel pada Sabtu (4/2) selama lima pekan berturut-turut untuk memprotes ...

Korban tewas dalam protes di Peru capai 60

Pengunjuk rasa pada Sabtu (21/1) terus menuntut pengunduran diri Presiden Peru Dina Boluarte dalam aksi protes ...


Aksi peringatan Hari Hak Asasi Manusia di Filipina

Destroyed effigies depicting Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte-Carpio lie on ...


Krisis air bersih imbas demo kenaikan BBM di Haiti

Women carry buckets filled with water amid shortages of water, cooking gas and other items after days of protest forced ...